This post follows on from my recent list of 4* impact case studies from REF2021. As I acknowledged there, there aren’t unambiguously identifiable 4* impact case studies in all the UoAs. What if it’s one of these UoAs that you’re interested in? That’s the point of this post – to list the top 5(-ish) impact submissions in every UoA, including those where there were no clear 4* examples.
The impact case study database can be searched and filtered in a number of ways but (beyond sitting with a spreadsheet of REF results) there is no easy way to pick out the highest scoring examples. That’s where the list below comes in – click on the UoA of interest and you’ll uncover links to the highest scoring (publicly available) impact submissions in that area. The number in brackets is each institution’s impact GPA (scored out of 4). You’ll notice that many of my UoA lists below actually have more than a top 5 – this is where the last GPA is held by more than one institution.
1. Clinical MedicineLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (3.92)
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (3.90)
University of Cambridge (3.89)
University of Oxford (3.84)
University of Nottingham (4.00)
University College London (3.95)
University of Bristol (3.94)
University of York (3.93)
Glasgow Caledonian University (3.86)
University of Strathclyde (3.86)
University of Dundee (3.83)
University of Hull (3.80)
University of Keele (3.80)
University of Southampton (3.80)
Coventry University (4.00)
University of Edinburgh (4.00)
University of Hertfordshire (4.00)
Oxford Brookes University (4.00)
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (4.00)
University of Southampton (4.00)
University of Dundee (3.83)
Institute of Cancer Research (3.83)
University of Kent (3.83)
University of Sheffield (3.75)
University of East Anglia (4.00)
University of Plymouth (4.00)
University of Stirling (4.00)
Queen’s University of Belfast (3.83)
Royal Veterinary College (3.83)
University of Lancaster (3.83)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (3.83)
University of York (3.83)
University of East Anglia (3.75)
University of Exeter (3.75)
University of Manchester (3.75)
Manchester Metropolitan University (3.75)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (4.00)
University of Liverpool (3.88)
University of Cambridge (3.83)
University of East Anglia (3.83)
Queen’s University of Belfast (3.83)
University of Manchester (3.86)
University of Sheffield (3.83)
University of Nottingham (3.80)
University of Portsmouth (3.75)
University of Strathclyde (3.75)
London Metropolitan University (4.00)
Swansea University (4.00)
University of Glasgow (3.90)
University of Oxford (3.90)
University of Edinburgh (4.00)
Edinburgh Napier University (4.00)
University of Glasgow (4.00)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (4.00)
Queen Mary University of London (4.00)
University of Southampton (4.00)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (3.87)
University of Cambridge (3.82)
University of Nottingham (3.82)
University of Liverpool (3.79)
University of Cambridge (3.88)
Loughborough University (3.83)
University of Sheffield (3.83)
University of Huddersfield (3.75)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (3.88)
Loughborough University (3.83)
University of Sussex (3.83)
University of Bristol (3.75)
London School of Economics and Political Science (3.75)
University of Durham (4.00)
University of Leicester (4.00)
University of Oxford (3.88)
Cardiff University (3.75)
University of Reading (3.75)
University of Southampton (3.75)
University of Warwick (3.80)
London School of Economics and Political Science (3.70)
University of Nottingham (3.67)
University of Manchester (3.63)
School of Oriental and African Studies (3.75)
University of Westminster (3.75)
University of Exeter (3.71)
University of Manchester (3.70)
University of Leeds (4.00)
Queen’s University of Belfast (4.00)
University of Exeter (3.90)
University College London (3.90)
University of East Anglia (4.00)
University of Strathclyde (4.00)
University of Westminster (3.83)
University of Edinburgh (3.80)
University of East Anglia (4.00)
London School of Economics and Political Science (4.00)
University of Sunderland (4.00)
University of Bath (3.88)
University of Southampton (3.88)
University of York (4.00)
University of Oxford (3.88)
University of Durham (3.83)
City, University of London (3.75)
Goldsmiths’ College (3.83)
London School of Economics and Political Science A (3.83)
University of Birmingham (3.75)
University of Manchester A (3.75)
University of Reading (3.75)
School of Oriental and African Studies A (3.75)
Cardiff University (4.00)
University of Durham (4.00)
University of Lancaster (4.00)
University of Oxford (4.00)
University of Sheffield (4.00)
University of Sussex (4.00)
University of York (4.00)
King’s College London (4.00)
University of Leicester (4.00)
University of Portsmouth (4.00)
University of Bath (3.88)
University of Edinburgh (3.88)
University of the Highlands and Islands (4.00)
University College London B (4.00)
School of Oriental and African Studies (3.75)
London Metropolitan University (3.67)
London School of Economics and Political Science (3.67)
University of Lancaster (4.00)
University of York (4.00)
University of Liverpool (3.83)
University of Central Lancashire (3.75)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (3.75)
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (3.75)
Birkbeck College (4.00)
Birmingham City University (4.00)
Cardiff University (3.90)
University of Leeds (3.88)
University of Leicester (3.88)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (3.88)
University of Kent (4.00)
University of York (3.88)
University of Sussex (3.83)
University of Exeter (3.80)
University of Glasgow (3.80)
University of Manchester (4.00)
King’s College London (3.83)
University of Warwick (3.75)
University of Exeter (3.67)
University of Nottingham (3.67)
University College London (4.00)
University of York (4.00)
University of Liverpool (3.75)
University of Manchester (3.75)
University of Sussex (3.75)
University of Exeter (4.00)
University of Kent (4.00)
University of Aberdeen (3.75)
University of Nottingham (3.75)
University of Oxford (4.00)
University of Westminster (4.00)
University of York (4.00)
Cardiff Metropolitan University (3.83)
University of Glasgow (3.83)
Sheffield Hallam University (3.83)
Guildhall School of Music & Drama (4.00)
University of Kent (4.00)
University of Manchester A (4.00)
Queen Mary University of London A (4.00)
Roehampton University A (4.00)
Roehampton University B (4.00)
School of Oriental and African Studies (4.00)
University of Ulster (4.00)
Loughborough University (4.00)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (3.88)
Cardiff University (3.83)
University of Liverpool (3.83)
I hope this all makes sense and helps you find some useful impact case study examples, whatever your area. Any issues, just leave a comment or get in touch!