UoA 22. Social Work and Social Policy – 4* impact case studies

Child protection: improving practice (LSE)

Better measures of fuel poverty (LSE)

Improving policy and practice to promote better mental health (LSE)

‘Reading the Riots’ and increasing public understanding (LSE)

Re-igniting R&D for antibiotics (LSE)

Shaping the financing of long-term care (LSE)

Improving evidence-based policy and programming for AIDS-affected children in Sub-Saharan Africa (University of Oxford)

Reducing child anti-social behaviour through effective parenting interventions: international impact on policy, practitioners and families (University of Oxford)

Regulating labour immigration: Labour markets, welfare states and public policy (University of Oxford)

Targeting resources and interventions in deprived areas using small area level indices of deprivation in the UK and South Africa (University of Oxford)

Improving police practice and reducing the incidence of crime through mapping and analysis (University College London)

Situational crime prevention policy and practice (University College London)

SPSW01 – Child Support Research and Policy Impacts (University of York)

SPSW02 – Personalisation in social and health care: the Individual Budgets evaluation (University of York)

SPSW04 – The Impact of Research on Child Well-Being (University of York)

SPSW06 – Development of the ‘single working age benefit’ and impact on welfare reform (University of York)

Poverty – Challenging Perceptions and Informing Practice (Glasgow Caledonian University)

Transforming families; improving safety; minimising risk: how research has changed practice in interventions and assessment for intimate partner violence (IPV). (Glasgow Caledonian University)

Improving Outcomes of Services for Children in Need through Research that Changes National and International Policy and Practice (Loughborough University)

Measuring Poverty: A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom (Loughborough University)

A New Hybrid Model of the Justice System in Afghanistan (University of South Wales)

Contribution to New Methods of Homicide Investigation (University of South Wales)

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