Improving understanding among policy makers, the public and medical professionals of the potential harm that MDMA (Ecstasy) use may have on the neuro-psychological functioning of adults and babies (University of East London)
Informing public and policy debate about and improving understanding of the effects of cigarette and e-cigarette smoking (University of East London)
A vision of destruction restored: Using eyetracking to guide the restoration of John Martin’s “The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum” (Birkbeck College)
Communicating developmental research to millions of parents worldwide: A joint project with industry (Birkbeck College)
Early years experience and longer-term development: Evidence and policy (Birkbeck College)
Preventive interventions for vulnerable mothers offered in pregnancy (Birkbeck College)
Changing Policy And Practice In The Prevention Of Suicide And Self-Harm (University of Stirling)
EvoFIT: Applying Psychology To The Identification Of Criminals (University of Stirling)
The development of food items to benefit cognition and mood (Swansea University)
The impact of alcohol test purchasing by underage adolescents on the availability of alcohol to minors (Swansea University)
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